According to the majority og hungarians, LGBTQ sensitization is not appropriate in kindergartens and primary schools

Recently, the publication of "Fairyland for All" (Meseország mindenkié), which presents rewritten versions of traditional Hungarian folk tales, from the perspective of, among other things, the LGBTQ, transgender way of life, has caused a great storm in Hungarian public discourse. Therefore, Századvég has conducted an opinion poll among the Hungarian people on the volume in question, and on the educational activities related to minorities affected by sexual orientation and gender identity, concerning minor children.

As a starting point, it is important to note that the protection of children and the importance of ensuring their harmonious upbringing are at the centre of the value structure of Hungarian society. Accordingly, 91% of the respondents are concerned about the fact that young children may still encounter too much content in the media and on online platforms that is not appropriate for their age or maturity. In contrast, only seven percent of them do not consider it as a problem.

The protection of families and children is important

The protection of the institution of the family and the related values is of key importance for Hungarians. Thus, it is not surprising that Hungary has been paying special attention to enforcing the interests of families, promoting their growth, and encouraging childbearing since 2010. According to the research, 95 percent of the respondents believe that the protection of family values is essential in Hungary at present, and only 5 percent of them took a different position. In addition, more than three-quarters (79 percent) of those surveyed were in favour of preserving the traditional family model and related values, while 17 percent said we should go beyond these, towards alternative forms of cohabitation.


The survey also covered the public perceptions of the children’s right to a father and a mother. 69 percent of the respondents agree with the statement that children have the right to a father and a mother. However, 25 percent of them find this statement exclusionary for those living a lifestyle different from the majority.

Hungarian society accepts those who follow the LGBTQ lifestyle, but treats their way of life as a private matter

It can be stated that, since the change of regime, Hungary has guaranteed the constitutional fundamental rights to all its citizens, which enables Hungarians to live a life that meets their own views and needs, while respecting the legal framework. In line with this, it can be stated that almost two-thirds of the respondents (63 percent) say that those who follow the LGBTQ (gay, lesbian, transgender) lifestyle have adequate rights. At the same time, 25 percent of them think that the rights of the members of sexual minorities should be further increased. Interestingly, a social consensus seems to emerge in judging sexual orientation and identity. Two-thirds of the respondents (66%) believe that LGBTQ life conduct is a private matter. However, according to 17 percent, it can be considered a public matter, and efforts should be made for its wider social acceptance. On the other hand, 15 percent of them do not consider the lifestyle mentioned acceptable anywhere, under any circumstances. Based on these, it can be stated that the majority of Hungarian society is accepting and striving for tolerance with those who follow the LGBTQ lifestyle.


Sensitization of young children is unacceptable

The research reveals that nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of those surveyed have heard, while 35 percent have not heard of the storybook depicting characters belonging to different minority, sexual and gender-oriented groups that has been published under the auspices of the Labrisz Lesbian Association. It is important to emphasize that heterosexual-oriented education does not begin in either the kindergarten or primary school, with a view to ensuring the smooth development of children, and the age rating of certain media content also serves the protection of young children. In light of this, it should be expedient to expound that 82 percent of the respondents refuse to allow pre-schoolers and elementary school pupils to get familiar with fairy tales presenting protagonists following the LGBTQ or transgender lifestyle, and only 15 percent expressed a different opinion.


In parallel, 81 percent of those surveyed believe that it is not acceptable to start LGBTQ or trans sensitization at that age, while 17 percent say sensitization to sexual minorities should begin as young as possible.

In summary, it can be stated that, according to the vast majority of Hungarians – in order to promote the smooth personality development of children – there is no place for sensitizing publications about LGBTQ and transgender lifestyles and activities aimed at shaping young children’s views on sexual orientation and identity in kindergartens and primary schools.

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