The Soros network spreads the ideology of an open society under the guise of climate protection

It has long been observed that international left-wing forces, together with non-governmental organizations representing the concept of an open society, see the issue of climate protection as a political tool. The essence of their strategy is that by disguising their real intentions for political gain they hide behind a noble goal to reach out to voters belonging to the predominantly younger age groups, whom they see as a possible replacement of their voting base. Given that the NGO network linked to the American speculator, George Soros, plays a significant role in subordinating environmental protection to political considerations, it is worth taking a closer look at the relevant international and domestic activities of these organizations.

I. Global Climate Strike and radical left activism

The “Global Climate Strike” has been held several times in recent years to raise awareness of the dangers of the ecological and climate crisis. After a 2-year delay due to the pandemic, the international demonstration held on 24 September 2021 took place in more than 1,500 locations in 92 countries around the world (including Budapest). Although the organizers of the event in Budapest highlighted that this was not a (party) political event, thoughts that fit into the opposition narrative could be voiced by both the speakers of the movement and its activists. The World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition and some government investment themed by the left were criticised, and in addition, Greenpeace that participated in the organization of the event directly evaluated the debate and program of the opposition candidates for prime minister.

It is not surprising, as the activist groups behind the series of protests have many forms of contact with the left-liberal wing and their goals are in line with the vision of an open society. Among other things, the Global Climate Strike can be linked to

  •  Amnesty International (which, in addition to its pro-abortion activity and its activity promoting LGBTQ and trans lifestyles, combines the effects of climate change with human rights),
  •  The Color Change group, whose founders include Van Jones, presenter of the liberal CNN, a former adviser to Barack Obama, and
  •  The People’s Action liberal lobby group, which joined the open letter that condemned the Trump Cabinet’s immigration policy in April 2019.

Nor should we forget that the lobbying organizations behind the series of international actions (including Amnesty International, the Global Greengrants Fund, and Avaaz) received more than USD 29.5 million in funding from the Soros Open Society Network between 2000 and 2019. However, this huge amount is not surprising if we assume that Amnesty International, “popular” with Soros, received a total of USD 2 million (equivalent at that time to more than half a billion forints) from the Open Society Foundation for carrying out just one project.

II. Avaaz movement, the climate bludgeon of Soros

Avaaz plays a key role in the use of climate protection as a political tool and in politicizing the issue according to the radical left-wing mindset. The founders of the movement include

·         Eli Pariser, a member of the Advisory Board of the Open Society Foundations, and

·         Thomas Perriello, executive director of the Open Society Foundations, a former foreign affairs commissioner in the Obama administration.

In addition to personal links, it is important to point out that the foundation of George Soros provided Avaaz a general grant of USD 300,000 through Res Publica in 2009 and an additional USD 300,000 for their work on climate change1.

It is also thought-provoking that the second Global Climate Strike was scheduled by Avaaz, the coordinator of the event, to take place on 24 May 2019, the period of the European Parliament election2, not hiding its intention to influence European political conditions. Interestingly, the organization warned of the “dangers” of the advance of the right-wing parties and encouraged support for left-liberal forces on its website. In light of this, it is less surprising that in 2015, when the migration crisis broke out, Luis Morago, a program director at Avaaz, spoke out against the states that sought to curb uncontrolled migration, including Hungary.

III. An energy club in the web of the open society?

Signs of the Soros network’s political manipulation activities disguised as being professional can also be found in Hungary. In 2019, the Open Society Foundations provided more than HUF 20.7 million for the Energy Club for a series of antinuclear-related “fact-finding articles” prepared by the organization together with Átlátszó, which is also supported by Soros, and G7. In addition, the American speculator’s foundation granted an additional HUF 263,000 to the Energy Club, among other things, to support local green organizations and communities and to organize workshops. In the Institute’s 2020 professional report, the Ökotárs Foundation appears as a client, which can also be linked to George Soros.

However, these large-scale grants are not without precedent, between 2016 and 2018 the Open Society Foundations contributed to the domestic operations of the Energy Club with more than USD 150,000, which is about HUF 40 million.

The antinuclear radical left-wing movement of the Energy Club serves not only the goals of the Soros organizations aimed at disrupting social order, but also foreign business interests. In 2019, the Austrian state supported the organizational and legal activities of the NGO aimed at hindering the expansion of Paks with a total of HUF 3.8 million, and it received an additional amount of HUF 1 million in 2020. Last year, Hungary bought almost half of its electricity purchased from abroad from Austria. With the construction of the new, low-cost blocks in Paks, Austrians would not only lose market share, but Hungary would be a significant competitor for its producers, so the hindrance of the investment is in their interest. As Austria does not have the right to launch an open attack on Paks, it monitors the potential for slowing down the expansion or making it impossible. The main legal action so far, in which the Energy Club, together with Greenpeace Hungary, challenged the environmental permit for the expansion, which has since been rated as a good practice by several international organizations, has failed.

Overall, the real goal of the NGO network, which can be linked to the American stock market speculator, is not to protect the planet by embracing the popular issue of climate protection, but to influence political – and economic – conditions in Europe. In light of this, it can be assumed that NGOs funded by George Soros see climate protection as a key to making voters, especially younger ones, embrace the vision of an open society, and thus more effectively enforcing the elements of their political agenda that are not widely accepted (encouraging illegal migration, weakening nation states, legal recognition of transgenderism, drug liberalisation). As we approach the parliamentary election of 2022, we should also expect the Soros organizations to try to manipulate it.


1. Page 87 of the document, item 2

2. In 2019, the European Parliament elections were held in the Member States between 23 and 26 May


Recently, evidence has been mounting that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) covering a significant part of their activities from foreign sources intend to gain an ever-increasing influence in the domestic political arena, overshadowing their former, purely human rights function. Similar entities in the United States are treated as foreign agent organizations, and their activity is closely monitored and subject to registration. Századvég Foundation is committed to national sovereignty, legal certainty and transparency. Therefore, in a monitoring system called NGO-radar, it continuously analyses the operation of the relevant organizations in Hungary.

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