Pro-war statements made by the left jeopardise the security of Hungarians

Guaranteeing the security of Hungary and Hungarians in Transcarpathia is a key national interest, therefore the Hungarian government is calling for a peaceful settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict as soon as possible. However, the left’s candidate for prime minister would send weapons and soldiers to Ukraine, which would, among other things, expose Hungarians in Transcarpathia to danger and pull Hungary into the conflict. Századvég took a closer look at Péter Márki-Zay’s manifestations of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis that jeopardise the security of Hungarians.

The security of Hungarians is of utmost importance

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has a major impact on Hungary, since some of the Transcarpathian Hungarians and Ukrainian citizens are seeking refuge in Hungary.

In addition to humanitarian aid, the Hungarian government is calling for a peaceful settlement of the conflict as soon as possible

and for the Russian-Ukrainian crisis to end. The statements and actions of the civilian government are steps taken towards a peaceful settlement, which also guarantee the security of Hungary and Hungarians in Transcarpathia. However, Péter Márki-Zay and left-wing forces have a different policy, as the candidate for prime minister said in several interviews that he would send soldiers and weapons to Ukraine to the scene of the armed conflict. Márki-Zay’s manifestations pose a particular risk, as

the left’s candidate for prime minister does not take into account that sending weapons and soldiers to the conflict zone could lead to immediate retaliation

against Hungarians in Transcarpathia. It is obvious that the left-wing politician ignores the national interest of Hungarians at home and abroad and his suggestions are much more determined by the hope of political gain. In the current dire situation, calm and well-though-out decisions play a key role, as their absence can cause the crisis to deepen and Hungary to be pulled into an armed conflict.

Establishing peace is a priority national interest

The support for the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the covert support for the war are completely contrary to the interest of Hungary and Hungarians in Transcarpathia, so the question arises as to what factors may be behind Péter Márki-Zay’s statements. Recently, the left-wing candidate for prime minister has repeatedly given insight into his personality, making extreme and offensive remarks on several social groups, women, rural people, the elderly, and people with disabilities. As the examples listed show,

Márki-Zay’s communication were previously also ill-considered, irresponsible, and aggressive, and we can currently witness the pursuit thereof in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.

With his manifestation, the politician has made some of the voters in his own camp uncertain, as his rhetoric does not suggest peace and tranquillity but strengthens the psychosis of war. The words of the candidate for prime minister seeking power would pull Hungary into a state of war without a second thought.

In addition, due to the upcoming elections, Péter Márki-Zay has made the Russian-Ukrainian conflict a campaign topic, attacking the Hungarian government in an arrogant tone for Hungary’s unwillingness to take part in the armed struggle. The fact that the popularity of the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely is declining month by month may play a role in his rhetoric, thus it can be assumed that he intends to reverse this trend by exploiting the political “opportunities” provided by the armed conflict. It is important to highlight that

in the shadow of the current crisis, the unleashing of conflict-generated tempers and the escalation of tensions cannot be justified by any campaign strategic or vote-winning considerations,

that is, the left is going astray when it sees the Russian-Ukrainian crisis as a political option rather than a security risk.

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