The public has a positive perception of Katalin Novák

Given that the term of office of President János Áder expires on 10 May, Gergely Gulyás, Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, announced that the National Assembly would elect a new Head of State on 10 March, meeting the deadline in the Fundamental Law. The government parties nominate Katalin Novák for the position, who, if elected, could be Hungary’s first woman president. In the light of this, Századvég surveyed what Hungarians think of Katalin Novák.

Katalin Novák is well-known and popular among Hungarians

It can be stated that the government parties’ candidate for president is widely known in Hungary, 92 percent of respondents said that they know Katalin Novák.

The survey shows that the public has a clearly positive perception of Katalin Novák.

The majority of respondents (51 percent) who know the candidate for president of Fidesz-KDNP had a positive opinion of Katalin Novák,

while 42 percent had a negative opinion of the politician. Seven percent of respondents had no opinion of Novák or did not answer the question.


It can be stated that

the proportion of those who like Katalin Novák is 9 percentage points higher than those who reject her

in the examined electoral environment.


CATI method, n=1000, among the politically active Hungarian adult population (politically active = who promise to vote for sure or probably vote), data collection: January 2022

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