Four times no – an overwhelming majority rejects sexual propaganda targeting minors

On 3 April, the same day as the parliamentary elections, a national referendum is going to be held in Hungary on the issue of child protection. In view of the forthcoming referendum, Századvég surveyed the views of the politically active Hungarian population on sexual propaganda affecting minors.

Hungarians would protect children from promoting adult sexual orientations and gender transition treatments

The public importance of the issues affected by the child protection referendum is shown by the fact that

65 percent of respondents said they were sure to take part in the referendum, while 16 percent were likely to do so,

regardless of whether they cast their vote in the parliamentary elections.


The public opinion of each of the referendum issues shows that there is a social consensus on rejecting the promotion of adult sexual orientation and gender transition for young children. The research reveals that

73 percent of respondents refused to hold sexual orientation classes for minors in public education institutions without parental consent,

while 18 percent would support it. Similarly, 86 percent of respondents oppose the promotion of gender transition treatments for minors, while 4 percent had a different opinion.


Under 18, there is no place for sexual media content or media content displaying gender transition

We have a similar picture regarding media content that depicts sexual propaganda targeting children and gender transition. According to the survey,

84 percent of Hungarians do not agree with the unrestricted presentation of sexual media content to minors that affects their development,

and 83 percent refuse the display of media content showing gender transition to minors. 

Hungarian voters do not have the possibility to form an opinion on the planned fifth issue of the child protection referendum in April but in a possible future referendum. Therefore, Századvég mapped public attitudes towards making gender transition available to minors. According to research data,

86 percent of respondents would not support making gender transition treatments available to those under 18,

while 9 percent would not object.



CATI method, n=1000, among the politically active Hungarian adult population (politically active = who promise to vote for sure or probably vote), data collection: January 2022

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