Viktor Orbán is better suited to keep Hungary’s security than Péter Márki-Zay

Russia’s military operations have been going on in Ukraine since the end of February, in relation to which the Hungarian government has stated that it is crucial to guarantee the security of our country and to prevent Hungary from being pulled into armed conflict. Századvég has examined whether the Hungarians considered Viktor Orbán or the candidate for prime minister of the left-liberal parties, Péter Márki-Zay, is better suited to guarantee the security of our country and mitigate the negative economic effects of the conflict. The survey also covered the public perception of the Hungarian government’s policy regarding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The majority considers Viktor Orbán to be a more capable leader than his left-wing opponent

The research data show that

66 percent of Hungarians believe that Viktor Orbán is the strongest leader in terms of maintaining the security of Hungary,

while 25 percent say that this is rather true of Péter Márki-Zay.


It is important to emphasise that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict may have economic consequences, with the possibility of affecting our country as well. In this regard it can be stated that

65 percent of respondents believe that the incumbent prime minister is a stronger and more competent leader to protect the economy and prevent the increase in prices than the left’s candidate for prime minister,

while 27 percent of respondents believe that Márki-Zay is more capable of mitigating the economic effects of the armed conflict affecting Hungary.


The survey also reveals that

64 percent of those surveyed said that overall, their family would be safer under Viktor Orbán,

while 27 percent would feel more secure under Péter Márki-Zay.


The population is satisfied with the government’s handling of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

It can be stated that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s policy on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has social satisfaction.

More than two-thirds of Hungarians (68 percent) agree with the way the incumbent prime minister has handled the situation resulting from the armed conflict,

 while 27 percent expressed dissatisfaction with the issue. 



CATI, n=1000, among the Hungarian adult population, data collection: February 2022

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