Russia-Ukraine crisis – a majority would not jeopardise Hungary’s energy and gas supply

In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the European Union has decided to impose uniform sanctions on Russia, but Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has emphasised that the measures do not affect the energy sector, so Hungary’s energy supply remains secure. However, the idea of blocking or sanctioning Russian gas has arisen on the left. Olivio Kocsis-Cake, deputy leader of the Párbeszéd faction, explained that Russia “sells energy at a high price”, saying that “this source should be turned off, cut off because they will have the money to wage war and will have the money to attack an independent state until then”. The left-liberal politician also mentioned that if peace can be enforced through sanctions, Russian energy carriers should also be sanctioned. At the same time, the latest poll conducted by Századvég reveals that the Hungarian public does not support the proposals related to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis that would jeopardise Hungary’s energy and gas supply.

Russia-Ukraine crisis – a majority would not jeopardise Hungary’s energy and gas supply

Hungary’s energy supply must not be jeopardised

The survey shows that

almost two-thirds of the respondents (65 percent) do not agree with Hungary’s adopting proposals related to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis that would restrict or jeopardise Hungary’s energy and gas supply,

while 28 percent would not object such decisions.


The left’s proposal for stopping the Paks II project is unpopular

The Paks II investment plays a decisive role in guaranteeing the long-term energy supply of Hungary, the stopping of which would make Hungary face a significant shortage of capacity.


It can be stated that 58 percent of respondents oppose the proposal of Péter Márki-Zay and the left-wing forces that Hungary should stop the development of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant with immediate effect, while 35 percent would approve of this step.


CATI, n=1000, among the Hungarian adult population, data collection: March 2022

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