According to the majority, Viktor Orbán better represents the interests of the people than Péter Márki-Zay

In the run-up to the parliamentary elections, which has been scheduled for 3rd April, the issue of the conflict between the vision offered by the right and the left has become all the more important. Regarding the most important issues that affect the everyday lives of people and businesses, an unavoidable element of the intensifying public discourse is which candidate for prime minister is considered to be better suited by the voters to implement a policy that meets their expectations. Századvég mapped out whether Hungarians see Prime Minister Viktor Orbán or his left-wing challenger, Péter Márki-Zay, as a guarantee of effective representation of their interests.

According to the majority, Viktor Orbán better represents the interests of the people than Péter Márki-Zay

Hungarians expect Viktor Orbán to continue his overhead cost reduction and family-friendly policy

Based on the survey, it is important to emphasize that two-thirds of the respondents (66 percent) believe that Viktor Orbán would protect Hungary from illegal migration in the future, while in the case of Márki-Zay, only 15 percent said so. We can see a similar picture when it comes to maintaining overhead cost reduction and child protection.

The majority of respondents (62 percent) said that the incumbent Prime Minister would continue to protect the population from rising energy prices through overhead cost reduction, and 61 percent believe that Viktor Orbán is in favour of child and family protection,

while a significantly smaller share of respondents (16 percent) assume that the candidate for prime minister of the left will maintain overhead cost reduction and continue the family-friendly policy (24 percent).

Orbán Viktor vagy Márki-Zay

Péter Márki-Zay’s economic and job creation promises are surrounded by distrust

The research also reveals that

the majority of Hungarians (54 percent) say that Viktor Orbán is more likely to create and protect jobs and restart the economy (52 percent) than Péter Márki-Zay (25 percent and 29 percent, respectively).

Similarly, 51 percent of respondents believe that of the two politicians the incumbent head of government better represents those who earn their living through work, while 29 percent expressed a different view. Interestingly, half of the Hungarians think Viktor Orbán represents the future, while 31 percent say it about Péter Márki-Zay.


CATI method, CATI, n=1000, among the politically active Hungarian adult population (politically active = who promise to vote for sure or probably vote), data collection: January 2022

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