The government of Viktor Orbán has improved the financial situation of Hungarian families

Since 2010, the civilian government has placed great emphasis on supporting Hungarian families, improving their situation, and encouraging them to have children. To this end, the government has introduced, among other things, a baby shower loan, a home renovation subsidy, and a car purchase subsidy for large families. In the light of the government’s family-friendly measures, Századvég surveyed politically active Hungarians how Hungarian families had assessed their financial situation over the past 12 years, also addressing the question of how they see their circumstances would change if the left could form a government in the spring.

The government of Viktor Orbán has improved the financial situation of Hungarian families

The majority said the national government had reduced the burden on families

The survey shows that the positive effects of the family-friendly measures taken by the government are widely experienced by the population. According to the survey,

almost two-thirds of Hungarians (64 percent) believe that the overall financial situation of their families has improved since Viktor Orbán became the Prime Minister of Hungary,

while 26 percent of respondents think their family’s financial situation has deteriorated.


The financial situation of Hungarian families would deteriorate if the left could form a government

At the same time, the research reveals that

only 17 percent of respondents assume that their family’s financial situation would improve if the left-wing coalition led by Péter Márki-Zay and Ferenc Gyurcsány could form a government after the parliamentary elections,

while more than three-quarters of Hungarians (76 percent) believe that the financial situation of their families would deteriorate or not change if the left-liberal alliance happens to win the election.



CATI method, n=1000, among the politically active Hungarian adult population (politically active = who promise to vote for sure or probably vote), data collection: February 2022

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